We cannot disclose the location of our hunting grounds, nor claim that said hunting was undertaken legally. After searching for only 10 minutes, we stumbled upon this beauty.
Possible poaching in action
From all we'd seen in our 10 minute stumble through the forest, we knew we'd find no other tree more suitable for our house. The stealth saw was revealed, and only moments later the harvest was complete.
Keith carried the tree single handedly most of the way back to the truck, through the perilous forest. A mere 100 yards from the vehicle, thinking we were home free, the forest struck back in defense of their fallen soldier. Keith was nearly blinded by the blow dealt by a particularly ornery branch hanging at eye level.
Keith transporting the harvest, prior to the attack
Luckily, I was right behind him and managed to finish transporting the tree in classic Monty Pyton fashion, "Run away, run away!" With Ashley and Melanie as lookouts, the tree was hidden safely into the back of the truck. Oh yea, Keith recovered quickly from the attack and was in good spirits again for the drive home.
The lighting and decorating process survived both of Keith's attempts to knock the tree over. There is now an ordinance in effect prohibiting Keith from coming within 3 feet of the tree.
I am glad I was behind the camera, so I can't be associated with these shenanigans.
Happy Chrismakkah! (Hanukkah started two nights ago) I have to say that Cota looks super duper cute in all those pics. He musta been excited about the snow.
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